Friday 22 April 2011

What is Cross Resistance

"Doctor this antibiotic is not working on me and doctor told that infection has produced resistance". It is a pretty common and familiar case as bacteria are producing resistance to different antibiotic agents. Cross resistance is a phenomenon is which bacteria when exposed to an antibiotic produce resistance to that antibiotic as well as to all related antibiotics too. In most of the cases specific bacteria are killed by specific antibiotics and if they produced cross resistance it will create real problems for patient as well as physician. Bacteria consist of a single cell. They  lack brain and their whole life is controlled by DNA transcription and translation but just see how cleverly and how safely they have improved their existence.
In our daily life, we face many hurdles and problems. Somehow we manage to solve the problem and soon we forgot about it. When most of problems occurring in our routine life are same and repeated, why not we make ourselves resistant to these problem? Simply by planning and foreseeing the expected problems, we can avoid many of them in life. If anyone identifies a problem and solve it, he should learn lesson from it. He should store it in his memory and use it to solve the problem if reoccurs and also apply it for all other related problems. This require active participation, keen observation and courage. So be courageous, be social and do not shy to help others. This will make you a person well resistant to problems.
But if we are able to identify interlinked problems and the link between them, than we will be learning many lessons from one problem and this Cross Resistance will made us a man who can stand after a fall and than never fell again.

Friday 15 April 2011

What is a Pharmacist

Pharmacist is the highly paid profession through out the world. In Europe it is the most paid (per hour) profession even above physician (so called doctors).
Pharmacist are health care practitioners with special focus on medicines (5 years Pharm D degree) as compared to physician who focus disease or pathology. They are employed in medicine manufacturing industries, community and retail pharmacies, in hospitals and as drug inspectors. All the medicine prescribed by the doctor are made by pharmacist. A patient may visit doctor only once or twice during course of illness but he will visit pharmacist regularly to seek guidance about medicines and any additional problem if has occurred. Thus pharmacist are said to be the real man behind health care system. You will be surprised to know that pharmacists are allowed to prescribe medicines in Canada and some states of USA. Otherwise they have this right after doing specialization in certain field.
Unfortunately in Pakistan, hospitals are described as graveyards. If anyone is admitted in hospital, he is more likely to die. It may be due to the fact that patients are carried to hospitals when they are too ill to recover. But I will blame that failure of health profession is due to lack and negligence of pharmacist role. Did you see a pharmacist in a hospital or in a medical store?
Pharmacist are an essential component of allopathic health care system and share equal role as physician do. For a successful system you need pharmacist in;
  • hospital for drug procurement and storage
  • in wards for optimizing patient therapy
  • in retail to provide education and counseling about medication, its risks and benefits
  • Burden of patients can be shared with pharmacist for minor illnesses
  • Starting research and development of medicines in our country according to our social and cultural needs
Unfortunately in Pakistan, Pharmacist are employed only in pharmaceutical industries where they are paid only 10,000 to 12000 rupees. In hospitals, pharmacist are employed on 17 grade with no time scale promotion and there are no ward pharmacist at all. Drug inspector are only in a little number and with such a low pay that they prefer to resign rather than earning by unfair means. The word Pharmacist With Special Interest might not be heard for decades.
I do not want do discuss any politics why the most prestigious profession is treated like this, but the fact is that a good health care is incomplete without Pharmacist and our community will have to bear deaths with wrong medication till pharmacist have reached.

Thursday 7 April 2011

5 things for Muslim Facebook Users

Hi and How are you. I hope all facebook (muslim) users are having good time.
I can recall the day when European cristians celebrated draw-the-Muhammad-day (Nauzubillah). Government banned facebook for a time but public was divided into two major group. First, who were discussing this matter and second kept silent. First group was further on two points either to quit the facebook or not. Quitting the facebook was best Idea as Islam has asked to quit the evil (Fitna) in the bud and Other people argued that we should remain on facebook and fight to improve the image of Islam on international platform.

Sorry to say but in my opinion, second group who kept quiet acted as if they hae reached last degree of emaan (belief). For the first group either condition is correct. I left facebook in myself. But here i want to question the people who remained on the facebook;
1. I ask what they have done for Islam? I dont think Islam need Mafia wars experts or Farmvelle high scorers ;-)
2. What they have done for promoting Islam except only clicking "join the cause" once or twice every week. Were they able to prevent another evil evnt Burn-the-Quran-Day?
3. Did they discussed true sole of Islam with any muslim or nonmuslim? I dont beleive adding more and more friends and viewing their pics will help Islam in any way. ;-)
4. The second evil event has proved your decision was wrong, so what you have planned now? Dont tell me you also have become a part of second group.
5. Hey facebook users how are you doing. Did you noticed I am not talking to you in an Islamic way and did not said Assalam-o-alikum. Its because i am confused at which Stage (darjaa) of Emaan (faith in Islam) you are right now.

May Allah almighty bless us all. Have a good time.

Sunday 3 April 2011

5 things from Young Doctor's Strikes

Its all over the news that young doctors (physician) are on strike and demand an increase in their wages. Here are 5 points that i want to discuss with you people.

1. More than 100,000 rupees per year are spent in the preparation of a doctor. These students (future doctors) pay only 10,000 while remaining is paid by government. In foreign countries students have to get loan for their studies which they pay for almost 5 to 10 years. While in Pakistan they have no loans to pay after graduation.
2. We all know that government treasure are filled through different public taxes. This means more than 90% fee of these doctors are paid by poor Pakistani public (no matter if their real sons are unable to buy books).
3. A national newspaper declares 5 deaths due to negligence of these young "Nation Builders". Relating to my previous point, are they right at such a action toward people who paid their tuition fee, hostel and transport charges by burning their blood and sweats.
4. Government has announced 24 hours ultimatum and suspension from job. What do you think it is right or wrong.  Is it not just like a hijacker who is demanding money otherwise your people will be dead.
5. Now tell me what is wrong with 18000 rupee starting pay. What are expenditures of a young doctor? Why he cant support his family when his house maid is doing this in 2500 rupees college gatekeeper in 6000 rupees. Ok, they are comparing them with Daewoo drivers (Rs.22000 per month) which is the highest and most experienced level of  driver community, while many medium profile doctors are earning several multiples of it per week.

I pardon i have gone too long but i can not control myself from writing when i am on fire. Regards

Saturday 2 April 2011

Hey Guys

Hey guys here are my two old articles that i posted on some other sites.

1. Brief introduction of  my football life at Voice of Football Pakistan;

2. 5 things from India vs South Africa cricket match;

Hope you will enjoy. Keep your faith and keep blessed.