In Sargodha, if you see two students are sitting and are discussing an issue with full attention then it is certain that they are bemoaning their miserable conditions in Sargodha. It can be the problem of poor residence and meals due to absence of university hostels or university supervised hostel for boys, but if you get somewhat closer to listen you will find the fingers of your hands less to count all the problems. About three months ago i was weighing up my wings to write against some unfortunate incidences in the university but somehow restricted myself from doing this. I am not here to discuss those things but 'uniform' a yowl which has almost paralyzed my nerves for more than 4 years.
The implementation of uniform in the whole university looks somewhat ridiculous. Does not it? If you search the word uniform in oxford dictionary you will find a clear cut definition 'the special set of clothes worn by workers of an institution or children at school'. The compulsion of uniform to the students of professional degrees is strictly against the decorum of professionalism and this will inversely effect the personality grooming of students. At this highest level of study, the students should be allowed to show up what they really are. Everyone should be free to represent his personality. In modern trendy societies 'How You Look' is a big communication tool which can never be build with restriction like uniform. Uniform has been imposed in my department since first day and how i suffered during 5th professional year when i went for apprenticeship is a good example. Believe me i was unable to find a second dress pant (other black pants of uniform) although i was lucky enough to find two or three shirts. I bought two more dresses but the worst came after this. I was used to of washing and pressing my uniform on Monday which was enough for the whole week. While in this short spell of professional life i had to change the dress or combination daily in order to look better than yesterday. I have no more words to show all the mess up that i had there.
Various arguments can be made on this topic as they say this will bring equality among the students. Will these action bring encouragement or discouragement? How these fragile students will handle the interalia of the society where a man do not have shoes to walk on the road while another drives Mercedes-Benz, the clerk of the office can not buy a dress on Eid while his manager wears new Gucci or Armani suit every week, one neighbor can not pay the utility bills while other has too many bank account to count. How a graduate of this university will keep with the pace of this world is an exterminate question whimpering my mind at the moment. You all please spare some time and ask to yourself the same question and tell me, agree or disagree. I will be appreciated by your comments.